Monday, August 24, 2015

Ender James Timmons

On July 14th, 2015 - Ender James Timmons came into the world. I warn you; some of this will be graphic- cause you know- it's birth. It will also be pretty lengthy because, when I look back on this, I don't want to forget any details. His birth story is probably very similar to many, but it's his.

I was scheduled to be induced at 5:30 am on Monday July 13th.  The day before, I kind of had a melt down at church when I realized I could potentially die. I mean, I realize we could die at any point, but child birth kind of increases that chance.

The night before, I slept surprisingly well. I woke up at 5 am and got ready. At 5:30, I called the hospital because my doctor told me to call before going in. The nurse who answered said there were a lot of women in labor and to call back in two hours. I did, and no one had delivered yet. Come on ladies! I called back every two hours for a while, and there was no progress. Waiting wasn't so good for my nerves. By 2pm, I had given up.

My mom, sisters and I went out for lunch. I hadn't eaten all day because of the potential for a c-section, and I was starving. I got a BLT and some fries and immediately felt kind of sick. My nerves were stronger than ever. I got home and Timmons gave me a blessing. I felt comforted by what I know to be the Holy Spirit, and I knew everything would be okay.

Right after the blessing, the hospital called to tell me they were ready for me. It was 4 pm. We got there, checked in, and they took me to my room. I got in the hospital gown and got all hooked up to the machines to monitor my vitals and baby's vitals.  A nurse came in to start an IV, but she had trouble finding my vein. I guess I probably should have been more concerned when she eventually said, "good enough", and taped it to my arm.

I was already in early labor when I came in. 3 cm dilated and 50 percent effaced. They started the pitocin and labor progressed pretty slowly until they broke my water around 5:45pm. Until then, I kind of just relaxed, watched the best new station around (KIDK) and chit-chatted.

Pretty soon the contractions picked up. I handled them for about an hour until they became too intense. The nurse told me I could get my epidural (hallelujah!) The anesthesiologist came in and he was the best! If any of you talked to me before, I was probably more scared of the epidural than anything else.

 Seriously. They poke a giant needle right next to your spine. What part of that sounds pleasant? But it really was no big deal. The guy administering it was very patient and explained everything he was about to do before he did it. I mean everything! Before he put iodine on the area he told me. He pointed to the exact spot he was going to poke and made sure I knew exactly what was happening and when. It helped a ton.

Within five minutes of getting the epidural, labor was pretty pain free. I could still feel something happening, but it wasn't bad at all. I did throw up afterward, but I pretty much expected that. I cleaned up, and it was officially time to kick back and wait until Ender was ready.

Time flew by pretty fast. Around midnight I told the nurse I was feeling pressure. She checked and I was dilated to an 8. A minute later, I had mom Timmons call her back in. I felt like I needed to push. She checked again, and I was almost fully dilated to a ten. I just had a little more to go.

The nurse went to go tell my doctor that I was almost ready to push. She came back and asked me to try not to push, but instead to wait 45 minutes or so -until the doctor could be there. She said waiting would also naturally push Ender further down the birth canal and shorten the time I was pushing. I don't know if that's true. All I know, is that waiting to push hurt- epidural or not. My body wanted him out and he was ready to come.

I made it 30 minutes trying to keep him inside and told her I couldn't wait anymore. We got ready to push. Timmons held one leg and my mom held the other. Jordyn got her camera ready for the big moment. I pushed and right away they could see his little head. He had hair! It was really weird, but I got to reach down and touch the top of his head before he was out. Kind of cool.

I pushed a little longer and the nurse said I should stop until the doctor came in. She went to get him, and after a few more rounds of pushing he was out (at 1:25 am)! I pushed for 55 minutes. Honestly the pushing part was no big deal after trying so hard to keep him in. It felt so much better to push, and I didn't even feel him come out. I just felt a gush of fluids and I knew he was here.

They put him on top of me right away so we could have skin to skin. Then they suctioned his nose and mouth and Timmons cut the chord after a minute or so had passed. Finally, we heard his sweet little cry.

I don't really know how I felt when he came out. I was relieved I didn't need a c-section. I can't say there was an immediate sweeping of immense love or anything. It was kind of more like "huh- so there he is. That's the little dude who's been kicking me for 9 months." It wasn't until I started singing a song I used to sing to him while he was in my belly that I felt it. His little eyes got super wide, and I could see he made the connection. That was probably the coolest part of the night. :)

I delivered the placenta and the doctor started to stitch me up. I tore pretty bad. My mom said she stopped counting the stitches at around 20. It's kind of a blur from there. I know that they let me nurse him right away. After a while, they took him across the room. The nurse gave him a bath, weighed him and did the APGAR test. He was 8 pounds 4 oz and 21 inches long. His head circumference was 14. His first APGAR score was 8,  and five minutes later it was a 9.

Meanwhile, my blood pressure was dropping. They gave me some sort of medicine in my IV to try and get it back to normal, but it didn't seem to be working. I started to notice my arm felt especially heavy. I tried to reach for my phone and I couldn't lift it. Part of it turned purple. I asked my husband to look at it and he immediately called the nurse in. My arm was three times its normal size.

The nurse came in and said my IV came out of my vein and was filling fluid into my muscle tissue. Apparently it was not in "good enough." It hurt a lot, but I was reassured they did not have to amputate. ;)

After a nutrigrain bar and trying to eat the cold cut sandwich they brought me, the nurse told me it was time to move me to my postpartum room (which is something that didn't sound appealing at all). No one told me I was supposed to be in two different rooms. Moving did not sound like a good plan with a giant arm and stitches. The nurse led me to the bathroom where she was supposed to help shower me and all that good stuff. Instead, I ended up puking the blueberry nutrigrain bar everywhere and almost passing out. YAY!

She had to take me back to the bed and give me a sponge bath. I'm pretty sure I just kept repeating, "I am soooooo sorry- this must be really gross." Although, I know she was probably used to it. When that was over, I put on a fresh gown and made my way to the wheelchair. Timmons followed, wheeling Ender alongside us in his basinet.

We got to the postpartum room and got settled in. That's when they started. The contractions. This wasn't something I was expecting. You see, I had read about delivering the placenta. I had even read stories about how nurses rudely push on your stomach right after delivery to push out extra fluid and get your uterus back to the right size. I knew that the first postpartum poo would be a bitch. I did not, however, expect the contractions to continue AFTER he was out of me.

I'm pretty sure I whispered "I think there might be another one",  to my husband. Partially because I was having phantom kicks along with the contractions-and partially because my mom told me a story of a lady who had another baby inside of her that doctors missed. So, I got to have the embarrassing conversation with the nurse and find out that this was, in fact, normal. Awkward.

Ender slept pretty soundly in his bassinet for around 6 hours, but all I could do was stare at him. I was partially afraid to fall asleep- and people kept coming in to check my blood pressure and vital signs.

The first night, I remember, I was mostly upset that I couldn't give him his first diaper change. I couldn't really get up at all. I had pictured me nursing him and changing and burping him and that isn't really what happened. I had to ask someone to hand him to me every time I wanted to hold him. If I was holding him and I started to fall asleep, I needed someone to put him back in his basinet. Stuff that seemed so simple was super frustrating because it took all of my arm strength (which is virtually non-existent) to get up. That lasted for a few weeks, but I am almost recovered completely now. Thank goodness!

The next day, family came to visit and meet Ender. He was also scheduled to have health screenings. Throughout the night and early morning, we noticed Ender spit up quite a bit. The nurses told us he had swallowed meconium and they would need to pump his stomach. I didn't really know what was going on, so I told Timmons to follow and make sure Ender was okay. They almost pumped his stomach twice, but the second time, he spit up the rest of the meconium on me. Very considerate. :)

The days in the hospital were all about learning how to take care of my stitches and learning how to breastfeed.  The team of nurses were fantastic. There was also a great lactation consultant, Martha, that fought super hard with my insurance to get me a breast pump, and lent me hers in the meantime.

We had a little trouble feeding him because Ender had jaundice and it was making him sleepy.  We had to force him to wake up to eat. His bilirubin levels went from an 8.6 to a 10.5, but insurance wouldn't cover bili-lights unless he was an 11. That was pretty nerve wracking for me because after we left the hospital, we didn't really have a way of measuring his levels.

After a few doctor's appointments, Ender's pediatrician ordered a blood test to ease our minds. His levels rose to 14.5. Thankfully, the next test showed they were dropping. We followed what my lactation consultant told us to do and I pumped extra milk to feed him while he slept.  Feeding him more pushes out the extra bilirubin. We also put him in the window to catch some rays. By his two week appointment, the jaundice appeared to have cleared up.

It has now been 6 weeks since I went into the hospital to deliver Ender. In that time, we have seen him grow so much, and we have grown to love him an incredible amount. I'm so excited to be his mom and to see what kind of person he becomes. We love you Ender!


Live Birth Photos: Think Flowers Photography
Newborn Photos: Jenae Briggs Photography

Sunday, April 12, 2015

I am the worst blogger ever...

I am officially the worst blogger ever. I just find it so ironic that my last update was about how I was going to blog more. Yea. That was over a year ago. I have worked hard on this post to update our lives. Here are the highlights of the last year plus.


I won Employee of The Month 6 months after working for NPG of Idaho. It was a pleasant surprise. I honestly didn't know how well I would do- since it was my first job out of college. They gave me a gift card, this fake cool, gold bar and a parking space! (confession: I still use the parking space sometimes...)


February 2014 was our first Valentine's day together. We exchanged presents and went to Jaker's that weekend. We also had some NERF wars!


I turned 23! We celebrated by going to my favorite restaurant- Texas Roadhouse. Timmons planned a very romantic night. :) 

Later this month, I had my first anxiety attack for no good reason. I think I might have been stressed with work. I ended up seeing the doctor thinking that I was having a heart attack. Now that I know my anxiety is that bad, it will be a lot easier to manage.


We went down to Utah for Easter! We colored eggs and the Easter bunny even found us down there. It was fun to visit with family and have a Mathis family traditional Easter.

We also went to our first Monster Truck Rally after General Conference.  It was pretty fantastic- and LOUD. We dressed like truckers and brought our ear plugs along. It was honestly more fun for me to watch the people than the trucks. Afterward, we went to I-Hop, where we got some interesting looks.

In late April, Mom Timmons took Rachel, Lauren and I to go see Wicked in Boise. It was the first time I had ever seen it, and it was AMAZING. The weekend was great fun- filled with good food, friends and shopping!

The men in our lives had a guy's weekend- and I honestly don't know what they did....or if I want to know.


May= Mother's Day! I started watching a ton of Cake Boss and Rosana Pansino on Youtube. I was hooked. This is the first cake with fondant I've ever made. I was pretty proud of myself. I have since become pretty skilled at cake decorating. I love it a lot!

Timmons took me shooting for the first time. I hit the target four out of five times. Yep. I'm pretty bad-A.

We went to the Rexburg Airshow and saw a ton of historic military stuff. It was cool to see all the planes zooming by and doing loop-de-loops. It was also super frightening because they came pretty low.  Of course- I remember distinctly- one of the highlights for me was the kettle corn! asdfl NOM.

Also in June, my work gave me free tickets to the Tautphas Park Zoo! We went to the Zoo before work. We saw lions and bears. They don't have tigers. Or pandas. Maybe one day. Afterward, we got pizza and had a picnic before I had to head to work.

I also got tickets to go to the Chukars game! It was my first time, so I decided to bring Chloe and Ashley- hoping they knew as little about baseball as I did. Nope. They actually had watched a game or two. We were super American and ate hotdogs and pretzels. All that was missing was peanuts and crackerjacks. See what I did there? 

Afterwards we went bowling- where I whipped Chloe's butt! (she was taking a bowling class at the time.)


Independence Day is one of Timmon's favorite holidays. This year, it was a sad one. 

Papa passed away after spending some time in the hospital. He is very special to our family. He taught Timmons so much, and he treated me like I had always been a granddaughter. We miss him and look forward to seeing him again. We're so lucky to know families are forever.


The end of July/beginning of August, we finally saved enough money to go on our honeymoon! We went for our one year anniversary. We ended up flying to California. We stayed in Long Beach on the Queen Mary. Later, we took a three day Carnival Cruise to Ensenada, Mexico. It was probably the best vacation yet! I hope we get to go on many others just like it. (I'll be posting a longer entry on this later)


In September, we went to the Idaho State Fair. We rode super risky rides, ate fattening foods and didn't regret a thing. That's right.

We also went to visit my family down in Utah. We went to see Maze Runner with Jordyn and Lee, and I went to Cabela's for the first time. Timmons and I found a cute outside outlet mall and treated ourselves to a few clothing items. :) 

The next day we used my work passes to go to Lagoon! They had just started Frightmares and it was super- frightening- and fun! Take a look.


My dearest Timmons turned 26 on October 8th! I got him some collar stays, collar extenders, a gun cleaning kit and a madeline pan- so I could make him his favorite cookies. 

We also went APPLE PICKING! Note to self: October is too late to go apple picking in the BYUI orchard. Most of the good apples were gone. My fruit ninja- AKA Timmons- was still able to grab a few good ones though.

We were super festive and decided to make caramel apples for fall. I'm pretty sure these are store bought apples. Don't judge.

Also in October, I was commissioned to make a cake for my very first paying customer! I have since set up a website where people can purchase a cake from me. 

I specialize in cakes with fondant and cakes used for first birthday smash cakes.

Timmons and I decided to carve some spooky pumpkins before Halloween. I have to admit- we used the templates that came with the carving kit. We aren't this amazing on our own.

BUT we are THIS amazing! Probably one of the best couples costumes ever. Just saying. We decided we would be Amy Pond and the Doctor for Halloween. Or should I say- Wholloween.


Yes. You guessed it. In November we found out we were expecting our very first bundle of joy. We are super excited and nervous to become parents. It still seems super surreal. I guess it'll get real really fast once he is here.


We saw our baby for the first time in December. 

We had a little bit of a scare. The doctor came in pretty concerned saying he thought he saw another baby in my ovary. Because there was a viable pregnancy in my uterus, he said it would be called an heterotopic pregnancy. I had to go back a week later to make sure I was okay. It was the longest week ever. Thankfully, what they saw turned out to be a cyst, and it's since cleared up completely.

With that behind us, it was time to start Christmas festivities! Here is me with our tiny tree.

These are our gingerbread (graham cracker) houses.

And here is Timmons in front of the Christmas tree. We went to my parent's house this year for Christmas. We spent Christmas Eve at Aunt Karen's house with family for the annual Christmas Eve party. Then we came to my parent's and partook in the Mathis family traditions.

Timmons got a pocket knife he'd been wanting from Cabela's and I got some nice clothes and jewelry- plus a macaroon kit!

Unfortunately for Timmons, he had a fever and was sick a lot of the Christmas break. We actually had to go to the Urgent Care in Tooele because his ear was in so much pain. I think it's the only time he's been to the doctor since I've known him...other than for an accident at work that left his toe all black and blue.


I hit the Second Trimester of pregnancy in January. 

Also in January, Timmons started his internship with Madison Memorial Hospital. He worked with several different Physical Therapists in several settings. He did in-patient, out-patient, pediatrics and Hippotherapy. No Hippotherapy does not involve hippos. It's all about using horses to help learn skills! Behold....

Needless to say- he loves doing this a lot.


February was our second Valentine's Day married. We exchanged presents and then went down to Pocatello where we met up with Lauren and Kody. We ate Mexican and just hang out.  The next day was a Super Bowl Party for Supper Club. We ate Crab- and pretty much ignored the game. It was a fun weekend.

In February, we found out the gender of out little baby. We are expecting a BOY! Everyone guessed it was a girl- except Timmons. I am excited to meet our little man.


My birthday was March 7th. I had breakfast in bed and got a beautiful necklace from Timmons. Later we went to Texas Roadhouse, went baby shopping, got cold stone and saw The Duff. It was a pretty perfect day.


This Easter we were home together. We watched General Conference and dyed Easter Eggs. See how purty?

We also had a huge milestone. We moved out of our very first apartment together, and we moved into a two bedroom. Now we have a whole room for baby boy when he comes. My mom, his dad and his brother came to help us move all of our stuff. It was a huge help! 

We also purchased our first appliances. A stackable washer and dryer. I think I have done laundry every day so far. I LOVE it!

In April, I also found out that the newscast I wrote and produced for KIDK won 1st Place for General Excellence in TV (Division B) through the Idaho Press Club. I have been lucky to learn a lot at my time at KIDK.

And last, but not least, I reached the third trimester of pregnancy! I'm looking forward to seeing this little boy in July. :) 

We are excited to see what happens this month. I'll try to keep you up-to-date, but let's be honest. My history with blogging isn't the greatest.