Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Mr. and Mrs. Timmons

We've received several cards with the word, "finally," in them. Yes. Indeed, Timmons and I are finally married!

We were married in the Idaho Falls Temple on July 24, 2013. We had a nice reception at Rosewood Reception Center in Pocatello.

It was a great day. Everything went better than I could have expected, and I couldn't thank everyone enough for all of the time and work they put into helping.

Best of all, now we get to be together forever.:)

All in all, it was a pretty fantastic day.

We are very excited to have moved into our new apartment. I have officially started my new job as producer for KIDK. Timmons interviewed for a job at Progrexion today. Fingers crossed!

Everything is coming along swimmingly. We are very excited to start our journey together.

More to come on the blog, including a sneak peak at our new apartment and a camping trip to Flathead Lake.....AND more wedding photos!!!!


P.S. For those wondering, we are currently saving up for a honeymoon trip. Any donations to the cause or suggestions for places to go are welcome. ;)