Monday, December 23, 2013

It Christmas.....It's Christmas Time! : Christmas Cookie Edition

 This weekend, I baked A LOT of Christmas cookies. I was able to take some to my work Christmas party and give some away. The rest have been almost completely eaten by Timmons  us.

I made some peanut butter blossoms, chocolate chip cookies and we made cut-out sugar cookies together.

I think we'll probably make this a yearly thing. :)

We got flour everywhere and watched White Christmas as they were baking.

Ain't he cute? Sooo domestic.

My icing turned out a little runny, so we put it in the fridge until we could add more powdered sugar.
We ran out  (curse those gingerbread houses!) and since it was Sunday, I decided we could wait until today to frost them.
Timmons, however, decided he could not wait to eat them.
The picture on the left is how many cookies we made...on the right is how many we had in the morning. 
The icing had hardened enough to frost, so we frosted a few and dipped some others...
I was a little disappointed because I had bought food coloring to make really pretty cookies with details, and- let's just say- these are not exactly the pieces of art.
They sure are tasty though. 
I'll be surprised if there are any left when I get home.

Merry Christmas Eve Eve!


P.S. Most of you know that I write the news. Now my voice is gonna be on the news; tonight! If you live in SE Idaho or western Wyoming it's gonna be on Fox at 9 or CBS at 10. It was for KIDK's 60th anniversary story, and it was pretty fun researching all the stuff KIDK has been through.

P.P.S. Thanks to the people who left food at our foor. People have been doorbell ditching us all day with goodies and even a box of food. You rock, whoever you are! :)

Thursday, December 19, 2013

It Christmas.....It's Christmas Time! : Gingerbread Edition

It's Christmas time at the Timmon's home and we have been busy! Not only are we still working hard, but we are trying to play hard.

We have decorated for Christmas, trimmed the tree, made a few cookies, watched a few Christmas movies,  and jammed to Christmas tunes. Last night we took on the world of gingerbread!

Getting ready to make Gigerbread (graham cracker) houses.
We have everything we need!

After two hours of careful building (no joke), they were done!

Andrew wasn't super pleased with his.

 It was cute...if you're an amateur. Let's just say...if this were a contest, I would win. ;)

 This one is mine. Notice the intricate work. A wreath. A snowman. Yep. It's awesome.

I even have smoke coming out of the chimney. 

We had a lot of fun building them...and a lot of fun eating them. 

Six days until Christmas!!! :)

We hope you have a merry one!!!

P.S. If you want to check out our first Christmas decorations, click here. I'm pretty proud of our thrifty-ness. Next blog post will be the Christmas Cookie Edition. Stay tuned.