Sunday, November 17, 2013

Catchup 1: Our Day Job.

Once upon a time, two love birds found jobs at two completely different locations, so they could pay their bills. Riveting, yes. I know.

Andrew Calvin Timmons decided he would semi-enjoy a nice job at Alberton's. He stocks the shelves- often in dairy- and he always looks spiffy in his Albertson's uniform.  Let's observe. He wouldn't let me take his this was taken by his friend, Jerimyha....who is obviously a ninja. He started in September, and they seem to like him a lot there. Unfortunately for them, he won't be full time for much longer. He just registered for all his winter classes.                              

My job is my first outside of college. I am grateful that I am one of the few to have found a job related to the major I graduated in. It's a really fun one too!

I am the news producer for KIDK Channel 3 Eyewitness News. What's that mean? No. I'm not on camera. I write the scripts for the 5:30/9/10 o'clock news casts on CBS and FOX affiliates. Sometimes I cross over and help out for Local News 8 because both newscasts share a station.  I started late July,  the week before I graduated and we got married.

I find stories for the newscast, I write...rewrite...enter cues...revise reporter's writing...tell them to go back to the drawing board if necessary..etc. The most fun part is interacting with my coworkers and directing the show from the back. The reporters all have ear pieces, and I get to give the anchors and reporters cues in their ears. I also time the show and cut or add stories as needed to make sure the newscast runs for the right time. I can't go into commercial time because a lost commercial is money lost for the station.
My desk :)

My view from the control room.

Yea. We all have fun. But it's just our day job.

P.P.S. I am seven blog posts behind because my loverly husband kept all of our photos hostage on his little blue phone. I have since re-acquired them. Stay tuned for new posts. I will be vomiting them out all week. That is all.

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