Tuesday, September 24, 2013

2 Month Anniversary

It's been an awesome two months married to the love of my life. :) I am so grateful with everything the Lord has blessed us with. We both have jobs; we have a good ward, and we have each other forever. I had promised that I would post more wedding pictures. Since we have been married exactly two months, I thought today would be the perfect day. You can click on the first one to scroll through them all at full size.


Us cheesing on the way to our reception. :) YAY. We're married!!!

Me and my beautiful flower girl, Lyla.

Our first of many dances as a married couple.

I love you Timmons. I can't wait to spend the rest of forever with you. Happy 2 months.

P.S. You can watch our engagement and wedding videos on the right side of our blog. Also, these are only a few of the photos, but there should be a ton more on Facebook if you're realllly curious. ;)

Monday, September 9, 2013

Our First Apartment

Okay. I know this took me a while to post, but here it is. Finally. Drum roll please.......

Pictures of our apartment!
First....you will see some snaps of our bedroom, then bathroom and then kitchen and living room. Keep in mind, it's still a work in progress, but we like it. :)


P.S. You can click on the pictures to scroll through them full-size. Sorry    some of the lighting is wonky.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Soooooo Domestic!

Many of you know my impressive history when it comes to cooking. When I started school, I burned toast. Three years later, I achieved the impressive feat of being able to set pasta on fire....water and all. Here's the thing though. Once Timmons and I got married, it's like the magical domestic fairy came and sprinkled me with dust, making me a ninja in the kitchen. I have now made several things- from scratch. Including, but not limited to...pot roast, chicken, mashed potatoes, pork chops, Squash and Quinoa Soup, pasta primavera, chicken alfredo, biscuits, scones, bacon, eggs, rolls and zucchini bread. I'm pretty much ready to go on Iron Chef. For real though. I'm a beast.

You can click on the pictures to view them at full size. Looks scumptious, no? Here's the even bigger news. I......Morgan Victoria Mathis Timmons have now officially made toast! No burn marks baby! I am soooooooo domestic.


P.S. Those posts I mentioned earlier are coming as soon as I can find a way to get the pictures off of Timmon's phone. ;)