Monday, October 7, 2013

Summer Adventures

Warning. This is going to be the longest post ever. We had so many summer adventures. Now that fall is starting we're saying goodbye to the warm weather and hello to sweaters, boots and pumpkins!

We went hiking around Beaver Dick Park (yes…that really is its name.) We waded through the river trying to catch frogs and had fun taking pictures that looked like we were walking on water.

Our next adventure was with Kevin and Karina. We went camping up at Flathead Lake in Montana. Timmons and I were in charge of the food. We had tin foil dinners, Dutch oven cobbler, s’mores and breakfast burritos. We went swimming at two different beaches and had a blast.  There were cherry stands everywhere. Kevin and Karina were nice enough to buy us a case of the famous Flathead Lake cherries! 

We finished the trip with root beer floats at A & W. Yum!


We met Kevin and Karina a week later at the Madison County Fair. We didn’t do much because the prices were ridiculous, but we did have fun listening to the music and eating FUNNEL CAKE. The fair also inspired me to learn how to make home-made kettle corn. I’m super awesome at it. For reals.

 Andrew and I went to the St. Anthony sand bar and swam. They have a nice water slide into the river. Timmon’s favorite activity was trying to catch the really tiny and really fast fish. He did not succeed. We saw these two crazy kids running all over the place. They were super giggly. This was why. They buried their dog, and he didn’t seem to mind.

We also went to St. Anthony's used bookstore and browsed around for a few hours. They had my favorite childhood book series, Sweet Valley Twins. I hope I can still find them when I have a daughter old enough to read them! Timmons got a few of books he had been wanting. He loves to read!

The last summer activity was a long hike up to the Darby Wind Caves with Kevin and Karina.  Let’s just say that this was the longest hike of my life. I really wanted to see the waterfall, but I guess we went at the wrong time of the year, cause it was kind of dinky. It was still pretty fun though. Fun and exhausting. After we were done, we all had pizza and crashed.

It's sad that the summer is over, but I am also extremely excited for fall. Bring it on!


P.S. Tomorrow is Timmon's birthday. I think we might do something special. :)

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Ninja Attack!


Guess WHAT!!?! We got a Ninja. No, not an asian ninjutsu fighter. It's a blender. We actually registered for one for our wedding, but didn't get one.

We did, however, get several gift cards from Bed Bath and Beyond. BB&B is a lovely establishment that gives newlyweds 20% off. We woke up bright and early Monday morning and headed to Idaho Falls to make our purchase (it was the last day the 20% off counted).
My lovely mother came to visit and very generously took us grocery shopping where we got things to make smoothies!

According to the Ninja website, "The Ninja® Professional Blender gives you a professional, hassle-free blender with outstanding performance and a sleek design." 

We obviously needed to make a big deal of this to make sure it was true.We tested it out last night and it was pretty freaking awesome. Nate and Alee came over for the big reveal. Alee was the first to try the Ninja's creation. It was de-li-cious!

Smoothie parties are the best. I know you're jealous. ;)
