Monday, January 20, 2014

Resolutions in Progress

Remember how my resolution for 2014 was to blog more often? Well..turns out.... interesting things actually have to happen for you to blog. Nothing so far.

We're just up to our necks with work and school. It gives us less time to spend together, but much more time to watch Netflix. I watched an entire series in less than two weeks (Raising Hope is awesome!). Yea. It's pretty impressive.

I have, however, done pretty well at keeping our apartment clean all the time. I even printed out a helpful checklist.

I just wish we saw each other more. Timmons works really awkward hours on my day off, and when he has time, I am usually at work. We haven't been on a real date in awhile.

It's not all bad though. Timmon's boss changed his schedule so we can go to church together, and they're really good about making sure he isn't overloaded on days where he has class.

Timmons is doing great at his resolution to get good grades. He has all A+'s so far.

As for my work, I was chosen as employee of the month, so I get a pretty sweet parking spot. All in all, I guess I can't really complain.

Life is good......just not super exciting. :)


Thursday, January 9, 2014

Happy New Year! - 2013 in Review's a week into the New Year, but it's never too late to blog..until it is too late.

So let's take a look at our 2013 in review. We each wrote our own list of the top 5 things that have happened to us in the past year and what our New Year Resolution will be for 2014.


- Got married.
- Our own apartment.
- Made lots of progress on my writing projects.
- Bought my first firearm.
- Enjoyed the film Skyfall.

- I got married to my best friend Andrew Calvin Timmons.
- I graduated from Brigham Young University-Idaho Communication Department with my Bachelor's degree (all As).
- I got my first real job as a news producer for KIDK Channel 3 Eyewitness. 
- We moved into our first apartment.
- I made some great new friends.

Timmons's resolution is to get better grades. I think mine will be to blog more and to keep our apartment clean. We shall see.... Happy New Year everybody!


Tuesday, January 7, 2014

It Christmas.....It's Christmas Time! : Our First Christmas Together

This Christmas was our first Christmas as a married couple.
Timmons finally got that gun he'd been wanting (along with bullets, a holster and a concealed weapons permit), and I got a purse and a beautiful kitchen aid- I've already made some treats with it.
I was very impressed with Andrew. He picked out an awesome purse. Mine had a broken zipper, so he got one for me that matched my favorite pair of boots.

Look how cute he is...opening his gun and stuff. :)

I was lucky enough to have the day off, so we spent Christmas Eve night at the Timmons' home decorating Gingerbread Cookies and playing games.

Below are the before and after version of our cookie. The lil guy even has a monocle. He has also got his party pants on.

The one on the left was decorated by Rachel and Seth, and the one to the right of ours is by Kody and Lauren. Yea...ours is the coolest...just sayin. ;)

Random cute picture of Timmons with his new gloves and gun. He looks just like Chuck!

On Christmas morning, we exchanged stockings that we made for each other. Christmas day was spent relaxing, visiting family and playing games. My mom and sister got us a new headbanz game. You have to ask questions to guess what is on your forehead. It's probably the best game ever. So many people were playing at one point that we had to split into two groups to play, and there weren't enough headbanz to go around.

Of course, one of the very best parts of the holiday was reading the story of Jesus's birth, and then later hearing Andrew's Papa's testimony of the gospel.

The holiday season always puts things in perspective. It's a fantastic time to remind ourselves that God, family and friends are truly the most important things.

We hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
