Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgivukkah!

Today was our first Thanksgiving as a married couple. In fact, it was our first Thanksgiving together ever. Last year we had Thanksgiving with our families separately.

We had a pretty chill day. I had to work, but -thanks to football- there was no 5:30 show on my station. That meant that I only had to write one show.

We started the day by driving down to my work together. I organized my show while Timmons met some of my coworkers. After a bit, I finished my outline, and we headed down for Thanksgiving dinner at Andrew's grandparent's house in Pocatello. 
His cousin, her family, his grandparents, and parents were all there to celebrate the holiday. Emily and his mom made some friggen fantastic food. Not gonna lie...I kinda wish my stomach could hold more. My mouth wasn't anywhere near finished eating. Yea... imma fattie. 

Timmon's grandparents have two dogs, Dory and Max. They are probably the funniest dogs ever. Dory barks when you put your hands in the air and yell 'touch down'. She also sings when you sing 'Happy Birthday.' 
After a few hours of festivities, Andrew took me back to work. He even came back to watch my 9 o'clock show....not that he stayed awake. I think it was his full tummy.  

This year, I am most thankful for my husband. He is the best husband...probably in the entire world. Maybe the universe. Yea. I'm gonna go with that.


P.S. No more catchup posts. I'm all caught up!

P.P.S. This is the only time for the next 74 thousand or so years that the first day of Hanukkah will fall on Thanksgiving. Hence...Happy Thanksgivukkah....and no. We're not Jewish. I just think it's cool. Yea. 
Happy Thanksgivukkah Everybody!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Catchup 6: Family

Since it's November, I have been reflecting a lot on the things I am thankful for. One of the biggest things I am thankful for is my family.

I have the best husband in the entire world. We understand each other. We support each other. Most important, we love each other, and we love God.

We have been able to visit family a lot. We were able to go down to Utah and see my family since they've moved there. We had a nice weekend with everyone and a nice dinner and visit with my grandma.
As you can tell, it was a really relaxing weekend.

We have tons of fun with his side of the family too!
There have been many Sundays where we'll drive down to American Falls for dinner and games. It's the best! Good food, good people and good fun.

What more could you want? -Mo

Catchup 5: Halloween

For Halloween, I dressed up as a hipee... complete with a peace sign "tatoo" on my ankle.

Unfortunately, we had to work. I had watched all my Halloween movies beforehand and we ate like four bags of candy by ourselves. :")

We also took advantage of the pumpkins we chose and had a fun night on Halloween Eve carving faces on them. Mine had a funny face, but the one I'm holding in the picture, was Timmon's.

He carved Red John's smiley face of death from the Mentalist. It was a pretty proud moment for him. See the similarity?

I love Halloween! It's one of my favorite holidays. I'm excited for the day we live in a neighborhood where kids come trick-or-treating.

Other than the costume, the day was pretty normal. If you don't count the insane amount of treats in the break room at the station....or the bat that flew overhead and swooped down on workers and customers at Albertson's (that's not even a joke. It happened.).

Happy Halloween. :) -Mo

Monday, November 18, 2013

Catchup 4: Fall Festivities

I love fall. That's it. No ifs, ands or buts. I wish sometimes that winter would never come, and it would always be fall. Unfortunately...winter always comes in Idaho. It comes and refuses to leave until June. This year, we tried to make the most out of fall.

I blast John Denver anywhere I go (my fall music, much to Andrew's dismay). I made pumpkin cookies, zucchini bread and pumpkin chocolate chip muffins. I undid a scarf I wasn't happy with and started knitting it again. Yes. Fall is a wonderful time.

After getting spooked straight at Frightmares...and I mean spooked- those suckers in costume would sneak up on you- we decided to start going on a few more relaxing dates. Fall themed, of course.
We ended up going to the corn maze (free tickets from work again!), apple picking and to a pumpkin patch.

The corn maze was really fun. We basically got lost...... threw stuff at each other..... and played hide and seek.     Oh, and we got hot cocoa of course!

When we went apple picking, I had envisioned making applesauce. After we finished picking, I
realized that we didn't have enough apples for
applesauce. Before I could think of another delectable creation to make, Andrew had eaten them all. Not even joking. He ate every. single. apple we picked. How can I blame him? He's a man who loves his fruit.

I caught him taking a bite while picking.

And we all know fall would not be complete without a few pumpkins. We went to the Red Barn Pumpkin Patch by Tautphas Park. We found two awesome pumpkins, a rope swing and....wait for it.

KITTIES!!! Now, you may be thinking 'Morgan hates kitties.' Oh. But not these kitties. These kitties were the nicest, sweetest kitties in the whole entire world. They came right up to me and started snuggling. They would play with me while I dangled straw in their face. Even though they had claws, they never used them. They would only paw playfully and purr. I considered stealing them, but I found out they were owned by a little girl in a nearby house, so I tore myself away from their cuteness. It was terribly difficult though.

We still have a few more weeks, but when it's over...I will be sad to see fall go. It has been a good one.


Catchup 3: Lagoon Frightmares

On October 12, we headed down to Utah with our friends, Lauren and Kody, to party at Lagoon. Lucky for us, my work gave away tickets to Lagoon right before I started there, and one of my coworkers was super nice and gave us his tickets.
We went right in the middle of something called Frightmares. Basically, it's their Halloween specialty season. They have extra employees dressed up in scary costumes. They walk around trying to scare you. They also set up haunted attractions and have trick or treating for the kids.

We had fun riding rides and hanging out. My favorite ride was one of the roller coasters. Andrew's favorites were the swings, and one I didn't get a picture of. Kody got him a belated birthday gift, and they went on the high bungee jump, swing thing. I was too much of a chicken to try it. Maybe next year? :p

It was only a day trip, but it was tons of fun. I am excited to go back. I am a huge fan of amusement parks.

   -Mo  :)

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Catchup 2: Andrew's Birthday

 On October 8, 2013....Andrew Calvin Timmons turned the big 2-5. Yes, ladies and gents. He is a quarter of a century years old. Oh how I
love him!

We were both working at night on his birthday, so we decided to do something special in the morning.

He opened presents (a new book for his kindle, a temple bag, and a magnifying glass). Then I sang to him and he blew out all the candles on his birthday pie. After that, we went to his favorite book/novelty store..Hastings. We finished off by eating at his favorite restaurant in the area, Gandolfo's. 

It was a pretty nice morning. I'm looking forward to many more birthdays with this handsome man.


I posted a video for kicks and giggles.

Catchup 1: Our Day Job.

Once upon a time, two love birds found jobs at two completely different locations, so they could pay their bills. Riveting, yes. I know.

Andrew Calvin Timmons decided he would semi-enjoy a nice job at Alberton's. He stocks the shelves- often in dairy- and he always looks spiffy in his Albertson's uniform.  Let's observe. He wouldn't let me take his this was taken by his friend, Jerimyha....who is obviously a ninja. He started in September, and they seem to like him a lot there. Unfortunately for them, he won't be full time for much longer. He just registered for all his winter classes.                              

My job is my first outside of college. I am grateful that I am one of the few to have found a job related to the major I graduated in. It's a really fun one too!

I am the news producer for KIDK Channel 3 Eyewitness News. What's that mean? No. I'm not on camera. I write the scripts for the 5:30/9/10 o'clock news casts on CBS and FOX affiliates. Sometimes I cross over and help out for Local News 8 because both newscasts share a station.  I started late July,  the week before I graduated and we got married.

I find stories for the newscast, I write...rewrite...enter cues...revise reporter's writing...tell them to go back to the drawing board if necessary..etc. The most fun part is interacting with my coworkers and directing the show from the back. The reporters all have ear pieces, and I get to give the anchors and reporters cues in their ears. I also time the show and cut or add stories as needed to make sure the newscast runs for the right time. I can't go into commercial time because a lost commercial is money lost for the station.
My desk :)

My view from the control room.

Yea. We all have fun. But it's just our day job.

P.P.S. I am seven blog posts behind because my loverly husband kept all of our photos hostage on his little blue phone. I have since re-acquired them. Stay tuned for new posts. I will be vomiting them out all week. That is all.