Sunday, November 17, 2013

Catchup 2: Andrew's Birthday

 On October 8, 2013....Andrew Calvin Timmons turned the big 2-5. Yes, ladies and gents. He is a quarter of a century years old. Oh how I
love him!

We were both working at night on his birthday, so we decided to do something special in the morning.

He opened presents (a new book for his kindle, a temple bag, and a magnifying glass). Then I sang to him and he blew out all the candles on his birthday pie. After that, we went to his favorite book/novelty store..Hastings. We finished off by eating at his favorite restaurant in the area, Gandolfo's. 

It was a pretty nice morning. I'm looking forward to many more birthdays with this handsome man.


I posted a video for kicks and giggles.

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