Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgivukkah!

Today was our first Thanksgiving as a married couple. In fact, it was our first Thanksgiving together ever. Last year we had Thanksgiving with our families separately.

We had a pretty chill day. I had to work, but -thanks to football- there was no 5:30 show on my station. That meant that I only had to write one show.

We started the day by driving down to my work together. I organized my show while Timmons met some of my coworkers. After a bit, I finished my outline, and we headed down for Thanksgiving dinner at Andrew's grandparent's house in Pocatello. 
His cousin, her family, his grandparents, and parents were all there to celebrate the holiday. Emily and his mom made some friggen fantastic food. Not gonna lie...I kinda wish my stomach could hold more. My mouth wasn't anywhere near finished eating. Yea... imma fattie. 

Timmon's grandparents have two dogs, Dory and Max. They are probably the funniest dogs ever. Dory barks when you put your hands in the air and yell 'touch down'. She also sings when you sing 'Happy Birthday.' 
After a few hours of festivities, Andrew took me back to work. He even came back to watch my 9 o'clock show....not that he stayed awake. I think it was his full tummy.  

This year, I am most thankful for my husband. He is the best husband...probably in the entire world. Maybe the universe. Yea. I'm gonna go with that.


P.S. No more catchup posts. I'm all caught up!

P.P.S. This is the only time for the next 74 thousand or so years that the first day of Hanukkah will fall on Thanksgiving. Hence...Happy Thanksgivukkah....and no. We're not Jewish. I just think it's cool. Yea. 
Happy Thanksgivukkah Everybody!

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