Monday, November 18, 2013

Catchup 3: Lagoon Frightmares

On October 12, we headed down to Utah with our friends, Lauren and Kody, to party at Lagoon. Lucky for us, my work gave away tickets to Lagoon right before I started there, and one of my coworkers was super nice and gave us his tickets.
We went right in the middle of something called Frightmares. Basically, it's their Halloween specialty season. They have extra employees dressed up in scary costumes. They walk around trying to scare you. They also set up haunted attractions and have trick or treating for the kids.

We had fun riding rides and hanging out. My favorite ride was one of the roller coasters. Andrew's favorites were the swings, and one I didn't get a picture of. Kody got him a belated birthday gift, and they went on the high bungee jump, swing thing. I was too much of a chicken to try it. Maybe next year? :p

It was only a day trip, but it was tons of fun. I am excited to go back. I am a huge fan of amusement parks.

   -Mo  :)

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